Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals reads
“Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.”
and targets
“Substantially reduce corruption and Bribery in all forms.”
On behalf of the ICIOA, Margaret Ninsin participated in the launch of the book “The Corrupt Elite: Anatomy of Power and Wealth in Ghana”.
This event was hosted by the Institute of Democratic Governance in Ghana (IDEG) and The Department of Political Science of the University of Ghana Legon.
Professor Emeritus Kwame Ninsin, author of the book, seeks to unearth the root cause of corruption in Ghana through an analysis of its trajectory. The book also reveals the dangers of the menace and suggests a number of ways found to the curtailment of corruption.
The Reviewer of the book, Professor Atsu Aryee, a senior research fellow with IDEG, expressed his deep appreciation for the book and called upon civil society “to strengthen the campaign against corruption”.
The book can be ordered here.